Mental Health Claims Hub

The Mental Health Claims Hub helps workers and employers access the information and help they need to understand and support a mental health claim in the workplace.


About workers compensation

New claims


Claim benefits


Injury management planning


Return to work

How claims resolve

The safety of your worker

Other considerations

Preventing mental health injuries

Disputes and complaints

Frequently asked questions

Mental health support services

If you have already lodged a workers compensation claim, you will be able to access support through your case manager and Nominated Treating Doctor (NTD).

If at any point you start to feel unable to keep yourself safe or experience emotional distress, there are specialised teams that you can speak to:

NSW Government, Health logo

Emergency assistance

If you require immediate attention dial 000 or present to your local emergency rooms.

Lifeline Saving Lives, Crisis Support, Suicide Prevention logo

Lifeline 24/7 Crisis Support

Lifeline Crisis Support online chat service available 24/7.

Beyond Blue logo

Beyond Blue 24/7 Support Line

Beyond Blue web chat is available 24/7.

Mensline Australia logo

MensLine Australia

MensLine Australia phone and online counselling available 24/7, video chat available by appointment.

Suicide Call Back Service logo

Suicide Call Back Service

Suicide Call Back Service phone and online counselling available 24/7, video chat available by appointment.

13YARN logo

13YARN Crisis Support

13YARN 24/7 crisis support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

Logo for 1800RESPECT. Text reads: national domestic family and sexual violence counselling service.


1800RESPECT 24/7 national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service.