Case Managers working with people with severe injuries

Case managers play a central role in supporting people with severe injuries to manage their treatment, rehabilitation and care needs, and to achieve maximum independence, self-efficacy and quality of life.

Participants in the Lifetime Care Scheme and injured workers in the Workers Care Program have severe injuries that often require treatment, rehabilitation, and care from multiple service providers.

They require guidance throughout their rehabilitation pathway including facilitating adjustment and adaptation to disability, motivational support, building health literacy and self-efficacy and support to engage in the rehabilitation process.

For some participants, having a case manager to help identify and coordinate services means they can receive the care they need with a single point of contact.

Case managers work with the participant to reflect on their current circumstances, identify their goals and support needs, and monitor their progress.  They also work closely with Lifetime Care staff and service providers to coordinate the services a participant needs and promote independence.

Core skills of case managers working with Lifetime Care and Workers Care include catastrophic injury education and management; person-centred planning; coordination of complex rehabilitation programs; monitoring and evaluation of outcomes; sourcing and working collaboratively with a wide range of health and care providers; supporting, motivating and engaging people with compromised self-efficacy; and working within legislative boundaries.

Case management services may be delivered directly by icare staff or by a case manager from NSW Health or the private sector.

Approved case managers (Lifetime Care)

Case managers within NSW must be approved by icare to deliver services to Lifetime Care participants.

The Workers Care Program also refers to the list of approved case managers when selecting service providers for their injured workers.

Case managers outside of NSW can choose to become an approved case manager (Lifetime Care).

Apply to become an approved case manager - private providers

Apply to become an approved case manager - NSW Health staff

Training for case managers

Case Manager Finder

Update your details

Apply to become an approved case manager (Lifetime Care) - private providers

  • Applications are closed for private Case Managers
  • Applications are closed for private Care Needs Assessors

If you are an existing member of NSW Prequalification Scheme SCM11991 and are wishing to deliver services under a new ABN, please contact the Lifetime Care Case Management team at to discuss your business circumstances. 

Apply to become an approved BIRP or SSCIS case manager (Lifetime Schemes) - NSW Health staff

Lifetime Care and Workers Care work in partnership with the NSW Health brain and spinal cord injury rehabilitation programs which includes our agreed ways of working regarding provision of case management.

Staff working within the NSW Health community rehabilitation programs can apply for approval to work with Lifetime Care and Workers Care participants. Details of approved case managers (Lifetime Schemes) employed by NSW Health are listed on an internal database available to icare staff.

NSW Health case managers wishing to apply can do so by completing the application form below and returning this with a signed copy of the Case Manager Expectations and a current resume.

Training for case managers

Case managers are required to complete the eLearning modules on the person-centred approach and My Plan available through our learning management system, Lifetime Learning

Training is advertised on our training and workshops page and in our eNews.

Case manager finder

Selecting a case manager is a collaborative process and includes input from participants and their families, treating teams, icare staff and case managers.

To assist everyone in perusing available case managers in their local area and their areas of specialty, icare has a case manager finder tool.

Once approved, new case manager details will be added to the case manager finder.

Find a case manager

Updating your details

Approved case managers can change their details at any time.

This may include changing the business that they work for or changing some of the details they have provided such as hours of work, locations for work, or categories of disability they work with.

If, however, an approved case manager moves to being employed by a business not approved in the Prequalification Scheme, the business will need to submit an application for approval in order for the case manager to remain on the panel and continue to deliver services.

To request an amendment to your details, download and complete the Request to Amend Details form below and email it to