Accessibility statement

We've designed our website to be accessible to the widest possible audience.

Our accessibility statement

We’ve developed this website to ensure content is available to the widest possible audience, including readers using assistive technology or accessibility features.

By adhering to guidelines for accessible web design, we acknowledge the diversity of communication methods, available technologies and abilities of web users in the community.

Our commitment

We strive to comply with W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines in adherence to the NSW Government Website Style Directive, which applies to all publicly accessible NSW Government websites.

At times, we publish documents and publications received from third parties. These third party documents may not adhere to the standards followed by the Department of Premier & Cabinet.

Accessibility features

Our website makes use of industry-standard techniques and best practices to provide the highest possible level of website accessibility for our users. These include:

  • Structured headings and sub headings with clear relationships to content. To cycle through the headings on any given web page, press the 'H' key on your keyboard. You may cycle backwards through the headings by pressing both the 'Shift' and letter 'H' keys together.
  • Text size scaling is supported using standard browser controls
  • Link text and phrases are carefully written to provide the correct level of context
  • Information conveyed with colour is still identifiable for users with visual impairment
  • All images on our website will contain textual alternative descriptions (where appropriate) for announcement within Assistive Technologies like Screen Readers.
  • Tables have additional metadata for Assistive Technologies and Screen Readers in order to effectively communicate the structure of information
  • Online form controls are designed to support users with limited dexterity and/or visual impairment.

Web Accessibility Initiative Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI ARIA)

ARIA landmarks and roles have been added to the HTML of this website to support easier navigation for assistive technologies (in particular screen readers) and better control of dynamic JavaScript features.

ARIA landmarks and roles are currently supported by the latest versions of:

  • JAWS® (Internet Explorer or Firefox)
  • NVDA (Internet Explorer or Firefox)
  • VoiceOver (Safari on iOS)
  • Orca (Linux screen reader)

The latest versions of browsers are recommended because of the level of Accessibility support and Online Security provided.

Navigation using a screen reader

  • 'H' to cycle forwards through the headings 'Shift' + 'H' to cycle backwards through the headings
  • '1' to navigate to the next level 1 heading (or a number between 1 and 6 to navigate to the next heading on this level)
  • 'Shift' + '1' to navigate to the previous level 1 heading (or a number between 1 and 6 to navigate to the previous heading on this level)
  • 'Insert' + 'F6' to provide a list of all headings


  • Press the 'Tab' key to proceed through the links or 'Shift' + 'Tab' to cycle backwards through the links.
  • 'Insert' + 'F7' to provide a list of all links


Using JAWS® Versions 10-12, you can use the keyboard navigation in virtual mode by:

  • Next landmark: ';' (semicolon)
  • Previous landmark: 'SHIFT' + ';' (semicolon)
  • List of landmarks: 'CTRL' + 'INSERT' + ';' (semicolon)

Using NVDA 2011.2 the landmark keyboard combination in virtual buffer mode is:

  • Next landmark: 'D'
  • Previous landmark: 'SHIFT' + 'D'
  • List landmarks (and list/headings): NVDA + 'F7'

Live Regions

  • ARIA Live Region Text Filter: 'WINDOWS Key' + 'CTRL' + 'DASH'


VoiceOver users can navigate a page via landmarks by choosing 'landmarks' in the VoiceOver rotor, then finger flicking up or down will move to the next or previous landmark. Move through the organisation of a page or screen with these options:

  • Containers: Moves from one onscreen container to the next. The Dock and Home screen, for example, are containers.
  • Headings: Moves from one heading to the next. Try using this rotor in Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
  • Landmarks: Moves between banners, navigation, and buttons in HTML content (such as a web page or HTML email).
  • Same Item: Moves from one item to the next item of the same kind. Try this with the links in the results of a Safari web search.
  • Vertical Navigation: Moves up or down with one-finger vertical flicks. Try this on the Home screen.
  • Static Text: Moves from one line of static HTML text to the next. Static text is the main text on the page —not links or button names, for example.

Move from link to link with these options:

  • Links: Moves from one link to the next.
  • Visited Links: Moves from one link to the next, but only those that you've already clicked.
  • Non-visited Links: Moves from one link to the next, but only those that you haven't clicked yet.
  • In-Page Links: Moves from one in-page link to the next on a web page.

Here are more ways to move through a page:

  • Tables: Moves the VoiceOver cursor to the start of a table on a web page.
  • Lists: Moves the VoiceOver cursor to the start of a list on a web page.
  • Buttons: Moves from one button to the next in HTML content.
  • Form Controls: Moves between buttons and menus when using a form.
  • Text Fields: Moves from one text field to the next in HTML content.
  • Search Fields: Moves from one search field to the next in HTML content.
  • Images: Moves to images.


This website includes an extensive number of accessibility considerations, but you may find some of the following limitations, which may not adhere to the standards followed by the Department of Premier and Cabinet:

  • Some of our content is available in PDF format only. We are continually working to reduce our dependence on PDFs, which includes training staff and third parties in the appropriate implementation and use of more accessible formats. Adobe offers a free online conversion tool for PDF documents.
  • Some pages of our websites use video or audio. We are working hard to improve the quality of content in regard to visual, hearing, cognitive and motor impairments.
  • There may be a few instances where we may be unable to provide information in an accessible format or provide suitable alternatives. We have identified these areas and have a plan to develop more accessible solutions as our digital capability improves.
  • Our content is designed to have a clear and concise communication style with reduced use of jargon. Some articles and guides may require a reasonable level of industry terminology and technical understanding.

Contact us

If you need help accessing any of the content on our website or portals, please email