icare Annual Reports

Annual reporting is an integral part of the NSW Government's corporate governance framework, and describes the achievements, performance and financial position of agencies, such as icare, for the financial year.

icare Annual Report 2023-24

This Report summarises icare’s key activities and includes: 

  • updates on our organisational improvement program
  • our FY2024 Performance Scorecard
  • summary of our schemes (Workers Compensation, Lifetime Care, Dust Diseases Care, Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Care, Home Building Compensation Fund and Insurance for NSW)
  • highlights and milestones of our programs and projects. 

It was prepared according to the Government Sector Finance Act 2018 and reporting requirements issued by NSW Treasury. The financial statements, which form part of the Annual Report, were certified by the Auditor-General.

Nominal Insurer liability valuation summaries

Every six months icare commissions independent actuaries to estimate the insurance liabilities of the NSW Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer (NI).