Kadambari Sheoram

Altido Consulting Services


Harris Park, Sydney NSW

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About Kadambari (Kads) 

"I am a qualified and experienced occupational therapist, and I have worked with individuals of all ages and abilities, providing specialized interventions to promote their independence and quality of life. My expertise includes physical rehabilitative therapy. I am committed to ongoing professional development and staying up-to-date on the latest research and evidence-based practices within my field. My passion lies in empowering individuals to overcome their challenges and achieve their goals, whatever they may be. My case management service begins with a comprehensive assessment of the client's needs, strengths, and challenges.

This assessment helps me identify the client's goals and support needs, and develop a customized care plan that outlines the services and resources required to achieve those goals. After the assessment we then work closely with the client, their family and other professionals involved in their care, to coordinate and monitor the delivery of services and resources identified in the care plan.

I also provide ongoing support and advocacy to the client, helping them to navigate complex systems, address any barriers or challenges they face, and ensure they receive the highest quality of care possible. This may involve working with medical professionals, housing providers, financial resources, and other service providers to ensure the client's needs are addressed holistically.

Overall, my case management service is designed to provide comprehensive and personalized support to clients who require ongoing assistance to achieve their goals and address their complex needs. I am committed to working in partnership with my clients to ensure they receive the highest quality of care possible and achieve their desired outcomes."