Belinda Carr

Carr Rehab


Gordon, Sydney NSW

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About Belinda

"I am an Occupational Therapist and Case manager with over 25 years’ experience in the field of brain injury rehabilitation. I have worked in both inpatient brain injury rehabilitation and community brain injury rehabilitation over this time.

I provide a person-centred approach to assist individuals achieve their goals and to enable them to live as independently as possible in the community. I work with the individual, their family and the multidisciplinary team, ensuring excellent coordination and planning of treatment, rehabilitation and care services. I am a team player, who works very closely with other professionals and services providers involved in the rehabilitation and treatment of individuals.

I have experience working with very complex clients, and those who present with challenging behaviours and mental health concerns. I have extensive knowledge of icare guidelines, procedures, and forms required for the efficient provision of services to support positive outcomes. I am skilled in supporting the establishment and maintenance of effective care programs for icare participants and I am also an approved Care Needs Assessor.

I have helped many participants to achieve excellent outcomes over the past 25 years and I am passionate about supporting people to maximise their potential."