1. Claiming out of pocket expenses


    If you are a participant in Lifetime Care or the Workers Care Program and are out of pocket for approved services and treatment, we can reimburse your expenses...

  2. Heath Bartels-Waller


    Health Bartels-Waller is a Shine Art Prize entrant...

  3. Gary Nicholls


    Gary Nicholls is a Shine Art Prize entrant...

  4. Grant Kitchen


    Grant Kitchen is a Shine Art Prize entrant...

  5. Brigitte Bullen


    Brigitte Bullen is a Shine Art Prize entrant...

  6. Case conferences


    Case conferences are designed to bring a worker’s support team together to agree on the best pathway forward...

  7. Working with us as an attendant care provider


    Attendant care providers need to be approved to work in our care schemes. We have a panel of approved attendant care providers who are appointed through a tender process...

  8. Ageing well


    Information based on research and best practice for injured people, their supports and service providers, on ageing well with an injury...

  9. Clint Pickin


    Clint, is passionate about telling his story to raise awareness about the importance of training and being risk aware...

  10. David Hall


    David lost his legs when he was hit by a car. He became a tennis champion, winning a gold medal at the 2000 Sydney Paralympics...