1. Our legislative framework


    icare operates in accordance with NSW legislation and policies...

  2. Medical expenses and other medical-related entitlements


    As part of the claim, your worker may be entitled to medical expenses to assist them with their recovery and return to work journey...

  3. Weekly payments


    Once your worker's claim has been accepted for liability, they will start to receive weekly payments to assist with their recovery whilst they are unable earn their usual income...

  4. Eligibility for continuation of wages and medical benefits


    Your employee's entitlement to weekly benefits is limited by the workers compensation legislation...

  5. How to assist other staff that may be impacted by a workers compensation claim


    We understand that a workers compensation claim doesn't only affect the injured worker within a workplace...

  6. Treatment entitlements for the injured worker


    Injured workers can claim expenses relating to medical treatments and services, including ambulance service, hospital treatment, aids, medical and related health treatment and workplace rehabilitation...

  7. Injured worker obligations


    Better return-to-work outcomes are achieved when workplaces engage with workers early and provide support to facilitate timely and safe return to work...

  8. Whole person impairment


    A worker who has sustained an injury that results in permanent impairment may be entitled to receive a lump sum payment as compensation...

  9. How decisions are made


    When your case manager has all the available information before them, they may be ready to make a formal liability decision...

  10. Sharing of information


    Throughout the life of your claim, your claims service provider will need access to your medical information to ensure they can manage your claim as effectively as possible...