1. Workers Care Program payment codes

    Tools PDF [0.2 MB]

    icare Workers Care payment codes mapped to Navigator codes...

  2. Workers Compensation Industry Classification System 2022-2023

    Information PDF [1.7 MB]

    icare Workers Insurance 2022-2023 NSW Workers Compensation Industry Classification (WIC) System...

  3. Pre injury average weekly earnings

    Forms PDF [0.3 MB]

  4. PIAWE fact sheet: Agreements

    Information PDF [74 KB]

    The purpose of this fact sheet is to introduce the concept of pre-injury average weekly earnings (PIAWE) agreements...

  5. PIAWE quick reference guide

    Information PDF [63 KB]

    Calculating pre-injury average weekly earnings for workers injured on or after 21 October 2019. Does not apply to exempt workers...

  6. PIAWE fact sheet: Apprentices, trainees and young people

    Information PDF [48 KB]

    Apprentices, trainees and young people under the age of 21 are entitled to incremental earning increases at certain stages or ages during their employment...

  7. PIAWE fact sheet: Concurrent employment

    Information PDF [68 KB]

    The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide guidance on how to calculate the pre-injury average weekly earnings (PIAWE) for a worker who was employed by more than one employer at the time of injury...

  8. PIAWE fact sheet: PIAWE overview

    Information PDF [82 KB]

    The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide a brief overview of pre-injury average weekly earnings (PIAWE) and explain the different ways to calculate PIAWE...

  9. Calculating PIAWE form and fact sheet

    Forms PDF [0.6 MB]

    Use this form if the injury happened on or after 21 October 2019. The completed form must be received by the insurer within 3 calendar days of request. This form does not apply to exempt workers...

  10. Premium Forms Definitions

    Forms PDF [0.1 MB]

    This document explains common terms used in workers compensation insurance policy forms...