1. Dai Liu


    Dai is a qualified actuary with more than a decade of experience in general insurance, with a focus on injury schemes...

  2. Amanda-Lea Smith


    Amanda-Lea has over 20 years’ experience leading people and culture, strategy, safety and customer service functions across a variety of industries in both the public and private sector...

  3. Customer Advocate Report


    icare launches update hub on workers compensation improvements...

  4. Our commitment to you


    Changing the way people think about insurance and care services for the businesses, people and communities we protect...

  5. Publications


    icare produces a range of publications that demonstrates our values. Download our publications for more information...

  6. General Tips


    The TMF declaration process provides icare with the details of the assets and exposures that the Treasury Managed Fund (TMF) will be covering in any given financial year.​...

  7. Secondary psychological injuries


    Secondary psychological injuries in workers compensation refer to mental health conditions that develop as a result of the initial work-related physical injury or illness...

  8. Activities of daily living (ADL)


    Activities of daily living assessment reviews the impact the workplace injury has on the worker's everyday tasks such as personal care, household chores, leisure activities and supporting their...

  9. Medical expenses and other medical-related entitlements


    As part of the claim, your worker may be entitled to medical expenses to assist them with their recovery and return to work journey...

  10. Lump sum payments


    If you injured worker suffered permanent impairment as a result of a work-related psychological injury they may be entitled to a lump sum compensation...