1. Evaluation report released for study into wearable technology for WHS purposes


    icare commissioned a study into the application of wearable technologies to assist organisations protect their workers against work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)...

  2. Tackling customer misbehaviour though respect and resilience


    The last year has been a challenging one for us all and some customers have been taking it out on staff in shops and food outlets...

  3. What does good workplace safety look like?


    How can employers improve safety at work? What does best practice in WHS look like?...

  4. Today’s workplace insights for a better workplace tomorrow


    Can we influence safety culture to improve safety across NSW workplaces?...

  5. Creative ways to keep your team in touch and connected


    Looking after our wellbeing, and supporting our teams to do the same, can help to reduce stress. It’s also crucial in enabling us to still take calm and effective action in the midst of this global...

  6. Social Connections Toolkit videos


    Professor Neil Greenberg explains why social connections are important, and how employers can create workplace environments that promote positive social connections...

  7. When a worker is off with injury


    How can you foster social connections, help wellbeing and aid recovery?...

  8. Connecting work, home and community


    Welcome to the Social Connections Toolkit. Use this guide to help you to understand and initiate positive social connections - they keep us happier and healthier throughout our lives...

  9. Social connections help prevent injury


    How can you improve your work culture through connection?...

  10. Case studies


    NSW employers take the lead in reducing injuries in their workplaces...