Social connections help prevent injury
How can you improve your work culture through connection?
Did you know?
People who have positive relationships with their co-workers often have better physical and psychological health, and a lower risk of burnout.
Create awareness and let your people know the benefits of social connection
- Use the information sheets, posters and presentation template in the toolkit to engage, educate and start discussion.
- Host a workshop about social connections.
- Why? Research has shown that strong social connections in the workplace have a positive impact on an employee’s mental, emotional and physical health, leading to improved outcomes for businesses.
Support your managers and supervisors to engage their work groups
- Talk regularly with your staff about what they are doing to meet their physical, psychological and social health needs.
- Build a culture where people actively engage, support and mentor each other.
- Why? Promoting connection and a sense of belonging will lead to the full engagement of workers, and an increased focus and desire to do well.
Implement regular social connection activities
Take meaningful action that supports social connections in the workplace.
- Use ‘Communiteas’ and the social connections calendar to plan events.
- Build a social connection space.
- Why? Socially connected individuals and communities whether at home or at work, have increased capacity to stay healthy.
Inspire people to be creative and connected
- Create a social connection space somewhere in your workplace, to give your social connections program the best opportunity to thrive.
- Why? Socially connected workplaces benefit everyone. Healthy, positive relationships translate directly into safe and productive workplaces.
Download our Toolkit
- Getting Started - For Employers 0.97 MB(pdf)
- Social Connections Matter - PowerPoint Presentation 7 MB(pdf)
- Why Social Connections at Work? A3 Poster 3 MB(pdf)
- Injury Prevention Fact Sheet - A4 0.33 MB(pdf)
- Recovery Fact Sheet - A4 0.52 MB(pdf)
- 5 Ways to Wellbeing - A3 Poster 0.38 MB(pdf)
- Communitea - A3 Poster 1 MB(pdf)
- Social Connections Calendar 2020 - A3 0.10 MB(pdf)