1. At work, you can recover better flyer

    Information PDF [0.5 MB]

    If you get injured at work, follow these steps to get the support you need and recover faster...

  2. At work, you can recover better flyer

    Tools PDF [0.5 MB]

    If you get injured at work, follow these steps to get the support you need and recover faster...

  3. Why your employee's sleep matters

    Information PDF [0.4 MB]

    A fact sheet to help promote healthy sleep habits for your employees in your workplace...

  4. At work, you can recover better flyer

    Information PDF [0.5 MB]

    If you get injured at work, follow these steps to get the support you need and recover faster...

  5. The importance of sleep fact sheet for employers

    Information PDF [0.3 MB]

    Sleep is essential for our health and wellbeing. When we sleep, our brain and body recover and repair, preparing for the next day. Poor sleep can have negative effects in the workplace for tired...

  6. icare submission to McDougall Review

    PDF [7.1 MB]

    icare and Workers Compensation Independent Review - Submission by Insurance and Care NSW...

  7. COVID-19 The importance of sleep - Fact sheet for employers

    Information PDF [0.2 MB]

    Find out how poor sleep can have negative effects in the workplace for tired employees, those around them and can impact business...

  8. Positive Behaviour Support - Information for Service Providers

    Information PDF [0.9 MB]

    icare has developed a framework for working with people with challenging behaviour following a traumatic brain injury using the positive behaviour support approach...

  9. Getting Started - For Employers

    Tools PDF [1 MB]

    Use this guide to help you to understand and initiate positive social connections - they keep us happier and healthier throughout our lives...

  10. Social Connections Matter - PowerPoint Presentation

    Tools PDF [7.4 MB]

    Did you know: Social connections have a greater effect on health than obesity, smoking and high blood pressure?...