Fourth quarterly update of icare's Improvement Program released
This update sets out Promontory Australia's observations on icare's progress in addressing the McDougall and GAC Recommendations during the period from 1 August 2022 to 31 October 2022.
Independent assurer Promontory Australia has reported that icare is continuing to make good progress on its Improvement Program.
icare CEO Richard Harding said it is pleasing to receive another positive progress update.
"I'm really proud of the work the icare team is doing as we strive to make the organisation better, so that we can deliver better outcomes for those we serve. It's good to see this progress continues to be recognised by Promontory."
"The Improvement Program is a transformational piece of work and we understand the hard work and commitment necessary to effectively deliver it."
"There is a lot of work still to do, and we are not rushing the transition. We have learned from the past and are taking a staged and measured approach."
For the Program, work has now commenced or been completed on the Design Phase for all initiatives, the Implement Phase for three-quarters of initiatives, and the Embed Phase for more than half of initiatives.
Promontory observed that the Program's governance forums continue to be an effective mechanism in ensuring the Program remains on track and that issues and challenges are discussed and addressed in a timely manner.
Importantly, while identifying that delivery challenges are common for technology programs of this nature, Promontory recognised icare's discussions to address such challenges have been actions-focused with paths forward to ensure the delivery of quality technology solutions, and with appropriate consideration of how to best deliver quality work and ensure better outcomes for all stakeholders.
“This is a key focus for icare, as supporting the people icare serves is the highest priority.”
Promontory also noted icare's progress in continuing to manage resourcing issues, with a number of key vacancies filled and mitigating actions developed in previous reporting periods being used effectively.
Further, Promontory observed progress by icare in developing the Program's process for managing dependencies, including addressing many of the key call-outs made in their previous reports. In addition, Promontory observed a concerted effort from icare staff to ensure that work performed would achieve the form and spirit of McDougall and GAC review recommendations.
These positive developments are important as remediation programs require a solid foundation, robust leadership, and commitment to address challenges as and when they arise.
The update follows the Final Establishment Report and First Quarterly Update (March 2022), Second Quarterly Update (June 2022) and Third Quarterly Update (August 2022).
Promontory will continue to provide quarterly updates on icare's progress in executing the Improvement Program. These updates are published on this website.