1. Complete Care Team

    Complete Care Team provides Attendant Care and Nursing Care for people in the community with high support needs...

  2. ENA Healthcare

    ENA Healthcare is an industry leader in healthcare and support services. We provide staff to hospitals, aged care, disability and community sectors...

  3. Nursing Group

    Since 1993, Nursing Group has provided quality care and peace of mind to service users and their families who are seeking a competent and reliable nursing service...

  4. All About Caring

    In 2001 All About Caring (AAC) was founded to provide community support to assist people to live independently in their own homes, and to enhance their quality of life...

  5. Civic Disability Services

    Civic Disability Services has 60 years’ experience empowering people with disability and mental health conditions to realise their full potential and live actively engaged lives...

  6. Newcastle and District Nursing Services

    At NDNS we build on people’s strengths, capacities and support networks incorporating and enabling a wellness approach to assist people to achieve positive health and life outcomes...

  7. Your Nursing Agency

    Your Nursing Agency (YNA) provides nursing and health care support to meet a range of needs for people living with disability across Australia...

  8. Southern Cross

    Southern Cross has extensive experience in providing care, support and services to people of all ages living in the community...

  9. Claro

    Claro Aged Care & Disability Services Claro specialises in supporting individuals with complex care requirements and take a personalised approach to those who trust us to provide their care. Our...

  10. Meditech

    Meditech has a wealth of experience working with icare and supporting individuals who may require a broad range of support services...