1. icare to work with Uniting NSW.ACT to expand access to community support services


    icare is expanding access to Community Support Services thanks to a new contract with its chosen service provider Uniting NSW.ACT...

  2. Council promotes October Safety Month with icare NSW and Paralympian Nigel Smith


    George River Council partnered with Insurance and Care NSW (icare) for an October Safe Work Month event with speaker Paralympian Nigel Smith at Council’s Mortdale Depot recently...

  3. Community Support Services linked to strong wellbeing improvements for injured workers


    icare delivers Community Support Services in the Workers Compensation scheme in partnership with Uniting NSW.ACT...

  4. icare announces program to enhance access to builder's warranty insurance


    Insurance and Care NSW (icare) is undertaking a two-year program to enhance the way we offer builder's warranty insurance through the Home Building Compensation Fund (HBCF)...

  5. icare opens new Dust Diseases Care Health Screening Clinic


    Insurance and Care NSW (icare) today opened the new Dust Disease Care Health Screening Clinic, which has relocated to icare's headquarters at 321 Kent Street, Sydney...

  6. icare publishes new performance data on Claims Service Providers


    New performance data on the icare website to help eligible employers to choose their provider...

  7. My own independence: Mark’s story


    Mark has been using a wheelchair since a serious accident at work 20 years ago. It’s important for Mark that he can be independent. Thanks to his family, friends, support team and icare Workers Care...

  8. icare simplifies how interstate contractors can access residential building work in NSW


    icare is now recognising interstate contractor licences through the Automated Mutual Recognition (AMR) scheme. This will make it easier for individual building contractors from all states and...

  9. Ninth quarterly update of icare's Improvement Program released


    This update sets out Promontory Australia’s observations on icare’s progress in addressing the McDougall and GAC Recommendations during the period from 1 November 2023 to 30 January 2024...

  10. April 2024 update on icare's payment remediation activities


    icare has continued to progress payment remediation activities to injured workers impacted by indexation underpayments for claims made between October 2012 and October 2019...