My Plan preparation – Think

Encourage a person to get started with their My Plan through thinking about their services and supports, what progress they’ve made, what they aspire to and the next steps they need to take.

Preparation resources

The Plan preparation tools are designed to be used either independently or guided by the case manager or planning facilitator during My Plan preparation. 

You are encouraged to customise the templates by removing, changing or adding questions and prompts before giving one of these to the person.

Plan Development – Write

During plan development, the person identifies what steps they'll take to achieve their goals, and any other services or supports they and the case manager agree might help achieve goals.

Start developing

Plan Implementation – Do

Here is where the person puts their plan into action. You can support them by helping to engage service providers, monitoring their progress, and reassessing their needs in the event their goals or situation changes. As the plan period comes to an end, reflect together on their progress with the person and start preparing for the next plan cycle.