Workers insurance insights for manufacturing
What makes the manufacturing different to other industries when it comes to workers insurance? Which injuries are common in your industry?
As the largest workers compensation insurer in NSW, we have access to a range of valuable data and insights to help you better understand the industry and support you in creating safe workplaces. See these insights and more with our interactive industry insights tool.
The below data shows industry insights for businesses with an icare policy and claims reported during the 2017-18 financial year, as at 30 June 2019.
Businesses covered
6.71% of scheme
Comprising 85.12% small businesses and 14.88% medium-large businesses.
Workers Covered 320,000
8.60% of scheme
across 28 regions, 1 industry, 166 sub-industries.
Claims covered 11,000
18.17% of scheme
An average of 0.62 claims per million dollars of wages.
Median days off work per claim with time lost
18 for scheme
Top injuries
% Claims 100
Traumatic joint/ligament and muscle/tendon injury 44.43
Wound, lacerations and other conditions related to trauma 34.65
Other injuries 10.98
Where injuries occurred
% Claims 100
Upper limbs 47.21
Trunk 16.97
Lower limbs 18.28