1. Protecting your patient's privacy and confidentiality


    Guidelines for handling your patient’s medical information to protect their privacy and confidentiality...

  2. Your privacy


    This page is to help you understand how the NSW privacy legislation protects our customers' personal and health information and how icare meets its obligations in respect of this information...

  3. Working with CTP Care


    Information for service providers about working with CTP Care, including how to become a provider, delivering treatment and care, service-related expenses and client privacy...

  4. icare response to SIRA letter of censure


    icare reiterates its sincere apology to anyone who may have been impacted by the privacy incident relating to Cost of Claims reports in May this year...

  5. Website privacy


    This Privacy Policy applies to all the publicly accessible pages on this website...

  6. icare Public Data Breach Notification Register


    This page provides details of any public data breach notifications that icare has made under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) (PPIP Act)...

  7. icare Privacy Management Plan

    Policies PDF [0.3 MB]

    Our Privacy Management Plan explains how icare manages personal and health information in accordance with NSW privacy laws...

  8. Privacy principles information sheet

    Information PDF [0.1 MB]

    How we collect, store, use and disclose personal health information for workers in the Workers Care program...

  9. icare Privacy and Data Breach Policy

    Policies PDF [0.3 MB]

    Our Privacy and Data Breach Policy explains how icare collects and manages personal and health information and sets out how icare will respond to a Data Breach...

  10. Internal review conducted by the privacy officer

    Forms DOCX [67 KB]

    Use this form to request an internal review to be conducted by the privacy officer...