Protecting your patient's privacy and confidentiality
Guidelines for handling your patient’s medical information to protect their privacy and confidentiality...
Guidelines for handling your patient’s medical information to protect their privacy and confidentiality...
Find out more about your role in the workers compensation system as a nominated treating doctor...
Learn more about how workers compensation works in NSW...
Who is covered under the workers compensation system...
As the NTD you are well placed to advise and educate patients that a focus on return to work is usually in their best interests – for both their future and quality of life and that of their family...
As a GP, it’s your responsibility to identify medical and treatment related services likely to contribute to your patient’s successful recovery...
As a GP, it's important to identify and address psychosocial issues that may present a barrier to returning to work...
When you are treating a patient with psychological injury, you need to be aware of the risks and ensure that you assess the person holistically...
A repository of research, evidence and tools for GPs treating injured workers...
If you need to get in touch with the insurer to respond to these requests, to seek help or support, or to make a complaint, visit the insurance agent’s website...