1. Health Benefits of Good Work


    A repository of research, evidence and tools for GPs treating injured workers...

  2. How to address psychosocial barriers to returning to work


    As a GP, it's important to identify and address psychosocial issues that may present a barrier to returning to work...

  3. Psychological injuries


    When you are treating a patient with psychological injury, you need to be aware of the risks and ensure that you assess the person holistically...

  4. How to escalate concerns


    How to identify and escalate risks and concerns facing your patient...

  5. Complaints and feedback: GPs and health professionals


    Find out how to make a complaint and leave your feedback regarding the experience you’ve had with icare workers insurance...

  6. Medical examinations for people exposed to hazardous dust


    General practitioners working with Dust Diseases Care may need to perform respiratory medical examinations and prescribe oxygen to people exposed to hazardous dust...

  7. Fees and payments in the workers compensation system


    Learn more about fees, payments and processing in the workers compensation system...

  8. Resources for planning and case management


    The following resources assist with effective planning and case management and they are not specific to My Plan...

  9. Assessment tools and resources


    Find assessment tools to monitor progress, quality of life and determine support needs of people with severe workplace or motor accident injuries...

  10. My Plan preparation – Think


    Encourage a person to get started with their My Plan through thinking about their services and supports, what progress they’ve made, what they aspire to and the next steps they need to take...