1. Useful Tips - Your Liability Declaration Form

    Information PDF [0.3 MB]

    Key Points and Useful Tips for participants to consider when completing the Liability Declaration Form...

  2. All users - Declarations Instruction Manual

    Information PDF [1.2 MB]

    The complete, step-by-step guide on what and how to complete your agency declaration forms...

  3. FY2025-26 Declaration Training Resources Summary

    Information PDF [0.4 MB]

    List of all the training resources available...

  4. Working with a treating doctor


    Treating doctors play a critical role in helping injured workers recover. They are often the entry point to the healthcare system...

  5. Industry hub


    A new hub full of resources and tools to help you manage workers compensation insurance — anytime, anywhere...

  6. Need to make a claim?


    Things you must do as an employer when you make a claim...

  7. Understanding your policy


    What you need to know to help you better understand your premium and your policy...

  8. Resources and programs to help your employee recover and return to work


    Programs and support available to NSW employers and their injured employees to assist them recover at and return to work...

  9. Treasury Managed Fund 2024 Statement of Cover

    Information PDF [6.1 MB]

    This document explains the scope of cover provided by the TMF and includes the new changes from the review. This Statement of Cover is effective from 1 July 2024...

  10. Your opportunity to meet with and hear the latest from icare


    The mobile engagement team (MET) provide information, updates and tailored education on everything to do with icare, and the NSW workers compensation scheme...