1. COVID-19 safety checklist for mobile workers

    Forms PDF [0.3 MB]

    This checklist is for workers who travel to different locations as part of their job. It provides basic and practical ways to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19...

  2. The Importance of Compassion During COVID-19 - Fact Sheet

    Information PDF [87 KB]

    As workers in NSW and all over Australia transition to working from home in response to COVID-19, it's important to highlight the need for compassion - towards self and one another...

  3. Mental health and flexible working: what you need to know


    There are three emerging challenges pressing on mental health in the age of COVID-19...

  4. What does the future of work look like?


    The pandemic has changed the way we work and live, but how will it change the way we work in the future?...

  5. Looking after yourself following the bushfires - after six months

    Tools PDF [0.2 MB]

    People impacted by the bushfires may still be experiencing symptoms of distress, even after six months. This flyer offers advice and assistance for individuals...

  6. Supporting your employees affected by bushfires - after six months

    Tools PDF [0.3 MB]

    People impacted by the bushfires may still be experiencing symptoms of distress, even after six months. This flyer offers advice and assistance for businesses...

  7. Community resources fact sheet

    Tools PDF [46 KB]

    icare has put together a list of community resources that may be useful when you, your friends, family or colleagues may require additional support...

  8. COVID-19 Recovery Employer Toolkit Part 1 - Supporting employers: defining and transitioning the workforce following a pandemic

    Tools PDF [0.7 MB]

    The employer toolkit offers practical steps to identify operational needs and provides protective strategies NSW workplaces can utilise in the current phase of the COVID-19 recovery...

  9. The effects of public health events (epidemics and pandemics) on workforce sustainability

    Reports PDF [0.5 MB]

    A literature review was conducted to provide icare and its customers with a comprehensive understanding of the impact of a pandemic on the sustainability and recovery of the NSW workforce...

  10. icare continues to support businesses during COVID-19

    News PDF [32 KB]

    NSW businesses looking to ease the pressures of COVID-19 are reminded to review their workers compensation needs, as they may be eligible for reduced premiums...