1. Applying for workers compensation benefits

    Information PDF [0.2 MB]

    Information on applying for workers compensation for Dust Diseases Care...

  2. Sporting injuries benefits and payments guide

    Policies PDF [42 KB]

    Use this form for tables and information that outlines the benefits and cover the Schemes provide...

  3. Invoicing Explained Letter

    Tools PDF [0.7 MB]

    The Insurance for NSW invoicing process is explained further in this document. From December 11 agencies will receive invoicing direct from icare covering the Workers Compensation Hindsight...

  4. Invoicing requirements - CTP Care

    Information PDF [89 KB]

    Service providers working with CTP Care, refer to this information sheet when sending us tax invoices...

  5. Workers Insurance property damage payments


    You may be eligible for compensation for the cost of damage done to artificial aids and clothing in a work-related incident...

  6. Payments for bereaved families


    Following the death of a worker, dependents may be eligible to receive financial support and funeral expenses as part of workers compensation...

  7. Weekly payments for Workers Insurance


    Find out how weekly payments for workers compensation can be paid, and how long you can claim them...

  8. Helping you understand what's ahead for your weekly workers compensation payments reassessment


    Fact sheets, FAQs and information about the weekly benefit reassessment process and the possible outcomes...

  9. Commutation payments


    Under circumstances, you can get workers insurance payments in a 'commutation' - one lump sum to cover your agreed medical, hospital and rehab payments...

  10. Types of Workers Insurance payments


    Injured at work? Find out what compensation and payments you may be able to receive...