1. Working with us


    Find out how you can work with us to provide services, such as wheelchairs, lawn mowing and providing equipment to injured people in NSW...

  2. Working with CTP Care


    Information for service providers about working with CTP Care, including how to become a provider, delivering treatment and care, service-related expenses and client privacy...

  3. Shine Art Prize Terms and Conditions

    Guidelines PDF [0.1 MB]

    Shine Art Prize terms and conditions...

  4. Shine Arts Prize 2024 Flyer for participating artists

    Information PDF [0.9 MB]

    This flyer is for Lifetime Care participants and workers in the Workers Care Program about the Shine Arts Prize competition...

  5. COVID-19 The importance of sleep - Fact sheet for employees

    Information PDF [0.1 MB]

    How can poor sleep can have negative effects on your work performance and wellbeing? How can you improve your sleep quality?...

  6. COVID-19 and working from home - Fact sheet for employees

    Information PDF [0.1 MB]

    This fact sheet helps employees learn how to work from home effectively and look after their safely and wellbeing...

  7. COVID-19 - The importance of compassion - Fact sheet for staff working from home

    Information PDF [96 KB]

    This fact sheet explains how staff can be compassionate towards themselves and others while working from home...

  8. COVID-19 Strategies for managing stress - Fact sheet for employees

    Information PDF [0.1 MB]

    This fact sheet provides tips and resources for employees about how to manage stress and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic...

  9. Social distancing information for attendant care services

    Information PDF [73 KB]

    Find out more information about COVID-19 and how Government restrictions may impact your activities and the attendant care services you receive...

  10. Telehealth information for participants, workers and clients

    Information PDF [80 KB]

    Information for participants, workers and clients in Lifetime Care, Workers Care and CTP Care on using telehealth services when working with service providers...