1. Treasury Managed Fund 2017 Statement of Cover

    Information PDF [1.9 MB]

    Treasury Managed Fund - Statement of Cover including Scheme Structure. This version (4.1.1) takes effect on 18 August 2017...

  2. Guidance summary for people with a limb amputation

    Information PDF [0.5 MB]

    The Summary for the support pathway for people with a limb amputation provides a summary of the recommendations, best practice notes and resources included in the full guidance document...

  3. Guidance for people with a limb amputation

    Guidelines PDF [3.3 MB]

    This Guidance is a best practice tool to support people with a limb amputation, their families and carers and the health and rehabilitation professionals working with them...

  4. Shine Summer 2022

    Stories PDF [3 MB]

    Shine magazine shares stories, ideas and news across Lifetime Care and Workers Care...

  5. Medical Support Panel (MSP)


    Medical Support Panel (MSP) is to leverage specialist medical expertise to improve health outcomes and the experience for injured workers and employers...

  6. Spinal Cord Injury Health Maintenance Toolkit

    Tools PDF [7 MB]

    How to stay health and well with a spinal cord injury; a toolkit for consumers from consumers...

  7. icare response to Law and Justice Committee dated 30 November 2021

    Reports PDF [0.6 MB]

    Update in response to recommendation 7 standing committee on law and justice report...

  8. icare SIRA submission

    Information PDF [0.9 MB]

    Regulatory requirements for health care arrangements in the NSW workers compensation and CTP schemes...

  9. Shine Summer 2018

    Stories PDF [1.5 MB]

    Shine is a biannual magazine that shares stories, ideas and news across Lifetime Care and Workers Care...

  10. Improvement at icare


    We are actively engaged in a program to improve icare's operations, performance, culture, risk and governance, to ensure better outcomes for our customers, our people and our schemes...