1. Securities held by HBCF


    Find out when it’s necessary to have a form of security when providing eligibility to building contractors, to protect hbcf and homeowners from potential exposure to claims and financial losses...

  2. Structural V Non-Structural Construction classification types for HBCF Insurance premium purposes guide

    PDF [88 KB]

    This document is designed to assist builders, other contractors and icare HBCF-authorised distributors in selecting the correct construction type when submitting project applications...

  3. Builder Eligibility/Profile Change Application Form

    Forms PDF [0.5 MB]

    This form is for Building and Trade Contractors who are seeking eligibility for insurance under the Home Building Compensation Fund (HBCF) in NSW...

  4. Builder Eligibility/Profile Change Application Form - Flood Recovery

    Forms PDF [0.3 MB]

    This form is for Building and Trade Contractors who are seeking eligibility for building work in the five priority Local Government Areas for Northern Rivers under the Home Building Compensation Fund...

  5. Making a claim


    Incomplete or defective work to your home by a building contractor can be stressful. Under the hbcf insurance, you may be able to get compensation...

  6. Simplifying workers compensation in 30 - Premium calculation


    Mobile Engagement Team employer event: recorded June 2022...

  7. Simplifying workers compensation in 30 - Treatment of contractors and interstate workers


    Mobile Engagement Team employer event: recorded February 2022...

  8. How we care for homeowners


    Learn about the home building compensation fund and how we’re here to care for homeowners in NSW...

  9. Statement on Elderton Homes


    Learn about the home building compensation fund and how we’re here to care for homeowners in NSW...

  10. GBS - Nominal Insurer Claims Service Provider Contract - Execution Version Redacted

    Information PDF [7.1 MB]

    2023 Claims Service Provider Agreement: Agreement for the provision of services to icare for the Nominal Insurer Workers Compensation Claims and Injury Management Services...