1. Fees and payments in the workers compensation system


    Learn more about fees, payments and processing in the workers compensation system...

  2. Understanding your role as a Nominated Treating Doctor


    Find out more about your role in the workers compensation system as a nominated treating doctor...

  3. The NSW workers compensation system


    Learn more about how workers compensation works in NSW...

  4. Who is covered under the workers compensation system


    Who is covered under the workers compensation system...

  5. Sporting injuries benefits and payments guide

    Policies PDF [0.2 MB]

    Use this form for tables and information that outlines the benefits and cover the Schemes provide...

  6. Applying for workers compensation benefits

    Information PDF [0.2 MB]

    Information on applying for workers compensation for Dust Diseases Care...

  7. Invoicing Explained Letter

    Tools PDF [0.7 MB]

    The Insurance for NSW invoicing process is explained further in this document. From December 11 agencies will receive invoicing direct from icare covering the Workers Compensation Hindsight...

  8. Invoicing requirements - CTP Care

    Information PDF [89 KB]

    Service providers working with CTP Care, refer to this information sheet when sending us tax invoices...

  9. Weekly payments


    Once your worker's claim has been accepted for liability, they will start to receive weekly payments to assist with their recovery whilst they are unable earn their usual income...

  10. Weekly benefit payments


    If you're injured at work, you may be entitled to receive weekly benefit payments...