Peter Petrou

Dynamic Rehab Group


Roselands, NSW

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"My name is Pete, and I have been a practising occupational therapist since 2014.

In my role, I assist my clients by conducting thorough holistic assessments, which aim to identify support and therapy needs associated with the larger aspect of achieving their functional and return-to-life goals.

My goal of becoming an occupational therapist and, subsequently, a case manager was to provide clients with the opportunity to explore equitable access to healthcare for all clients and service users, enabling them to explore timely and best-practised services for their needs.

Beyond providing a comprehensive service, I am to provide clients with the knowledge to improve health literacy and service information to aid their independence and decision-making in a complex environment.

I have experience in providing assessments, therapy, and case management services for clients living with complex medical and neurological conditions across the continuum of care, including acute, rehabilitation, community, and the neurological aging population.

I presently work in the private sector and have extensive experience in providing activities of daily living retraining, upper limb retraining and splinting, lower limb retraining, cognitive retraining and multi-disciplinary case management."