HNEKids Rehab, Paediatric Brain Injury Rehabilitation Team


Newcastle, NSW

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About HNEKids Rehab, Paediatric Brain Injury Rehabilitation Team

"When a child has a severe brain injury from a motor vehicle accident it can change how they think, behave and complete everyday tasks.

HNEKids Rehab case management and rehabilitation helps in their recovery and assists children and their families to understand injury and reach their changing goals as they grow up. Everyone is different so families will be at the centre of decision making and planning. 

The HNEKids Rehab case manager will work with families to involve therapists and services that they need when leaving hospital, as well as any services that might be needed in the future. The team is specially trained to support children with brain injuries. The team has a number of case managers that have been approved by the Lifetime Care. It has strong links with city, suburban and country hospitals and can also link you with other service providers. 

HNEKids Rehab is part of the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation Network, ensuring families receive the right health care, at the right time and in the right place."

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