Emily Tarlington
Keystone Professionals
About Emily
"Keystone Professionals is a team of allied health professionals, who work collaboratively with participants and any parties that need to be involved, pending informed consent and approval, to facilitate and achieve personalised goals. We can undertake discrete services to assist with a return to work or study goal e.g. work options plans/vocational assessments/workplace assessments and job seeking or assisting people return to work/prescribing equipment, environmental modifications and strategies to assist during this process.
Keystone Professionals also provide comprehensive assessment and a full suite of case management activities, at any timeframe – immediately post injury or post – acute rehabilitation (home assessments – domestic and ADL; FIM assessments; functional assessments; equipment prescription and environmental modifications; service provider liaison; career counselling and work option plans; and return to work, study or leisure activities).
Keystone Professionals were an original organisation in the Agency for Clinical Innovation – Vocational Intervention Program, Fast Track and New Track services (pilot program and ongoing) to assist people return to work specifically after a primary injury of TBI and have successfully worked in this area for many years.
Please contact us at any time, via phone or email, to discuss your specific needs, or refer to our website for further information and an initial contact referral form."