Working together: understanding responsibilities

This information outlines your rights and responsibilities as an awarded worker in Dust Diseases Care and our commitment to you.

Your rights

You have the right to:

  • always be treated with dignity and respect
  • meet your individual needs as they relate to your dust disease
  • where possible, make choices about the providers you use, including asking for different providers
  • have your privacy respected and protected
  • request access to the information we keep about you
  • choose communication options that suit your individual needs
  • have information presented to you in a language or format you understand
  • access an interpreter if you need one
  • have your cultural identity respected
  • provide feedback, make a complaint or disagree with a decision that's been made without it impacting your services.

Your responsibilities

We ask that you:

  • provide us with accurate and up-to-date contact information
  • provide us with an update on any changes in your situation
  • only submit claims for approved treatment and services and provide us with all receipts
  • communicate with us and your service providers with courtesy and respect
  • provide a safe environment for staff and service providers if they come to your home
  • let us know if you need any information explained or presented in a different format.

Dust Diseases Care's responsibility to you

As part of our commitment to providing you with services that meet your reasonably necessary needs related to your dust disease, we will:

  • recognise you as an individual and treat you with dignity, empathy and respect
  • support you in a positive, fair, honest, and professional way
  • respect your cultural and linguistic needs
  • provide you with information so you can make informed choices
  • give you adequate notice for appointments
  • make timely and informed decisions so that you receive services and payments in a timely manner
  • keep you up to date and informed about decisions we make and respond promptly to your enquiries
  • wherever possible, provide you with advice on other supports which may be available to you
  • respond promptly to serious incidents involving you, family members, service providers or our staff
  • provide you with information on making a complaint and how to apply for a review of a decision
  • process payment of invoices and out-of-pocket expenses for approved treatment and care services as soon as possible
  • respect and protect your privacy
  • handle your personal and health information in accordance with the relevant privacy principles
  • act in line with icare values and the relevant pieces of legislation that govern Dust Diseases Care.

The rights of Dust Diseases Care staff

Our staff have the right to feel safe while at work. If we consider there to be a risk to staff or a service provider's safety, we may modify the way we communicate with you.

Safety risks may include:

  • threatening, harassing, abusive or intimidating behaviour including swearing or yelling
  • presenting to us under the influence of alcohol or an illicit substance
  • making derogatory, discriminatory, or defamatory remarks
  • unreasonable persistence and demands in relation to phone calls and emails.

If we identify risks to a service provider's or staff member's safety, we will communicate with you and your supports about how we will mitigate these.

If you have questions about your rights and responsibilities, please ask your Dust Diseases Care contact.

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