1. 2012-13

    Information PDF [2 MB]

    Dust diseases annual report...

  2. Lifetime Care annual report 2010-11

    Reports PDF [2.1 MB]

    Lifetime care annual report...

  3. 2012-2013 Lifetime Care annual report

    Information PDF [1.4 MB]

    Lifetime care annual report...

  4. 2013-14 Lifetime Care annual report

    Reports PDF [3.8 MB]

  5. Renewal premium information pack

    Information PDF [0.2 MB]

    A snapshot of what's included in your policy renewal pack...

  6. COVID-19 and beyond fact sheet

    Information PDF [62 KB]

    Information for employers impacted by COVID-19: adjusting your cover and managing your payments and claims...

  7. Policy Terms and Conditions

    Policies PDF [56 KB]

    This document details icare's and the employer's obligations for workers compensation insurance policies...

  8. Update your workers insurance policy


    Update address wages contacts details workers insurance business name...

  9. What happens if I can't pay my premium?


    This week we take a closer look at what happens when employers can't pay their workers insurance premiums on time...

  10. Forms and resources for employers


    Select the Forms or Resources tab to browse employer documents and links listed from A–Z...