1. Other claims stakeholders


    There are multiple claim stakeholders involved in a workers compensation claim, each have different roles to play to assist the person recover from their injury and return to work...

  2. The claims journey


    While no mental health claim is the same, there are some common milestones for all claims journey...

  3. Employer's role


    In New South Wales, employers have an important role in supporting the recovery of their worker following a workplace injury or illness...

  4. Liability decisions for mental health claims


    All claims that proceed beyond the provisional liability phase must proceed to a liability decision, in accordance with legislation and guidelines from the State Insurance Regulator Authority (SIRA)...

  5. Actions that flow from investigations: How does the claims service provider use this information?


    The investigations used on claims can assist claims service providers to make sound decisions on liability, treatment and provide updated clinical opinions on your worker's injury and recovery...

  6. Work injury damages


    Work injury damages (WID) are a type of settlement to resolve a claim in circumstances where an employer's negligence has contributed to the causation of a workplace injury...

  7. Return to work


    Early return to work assists with recovery, prevents deconditioning, and provides injured workers with workplace social support connections...

  8. Your return to work obligations


    Supporting your injured worker to return to safe and sustainable work as soon as possible is necessary to meet your legal obligations...

  9. Medical case conference involvement and how to contribute to recovery as an employer


    Medical case conferences are designed to facilitate communication between stakeholders to identify goals, discuss any barriers and identify agreed strategies to achieve a supportive and sustainable...

  10. First seven days of a claim


    Once you have lodged your workplace mental health claim, what happens next?...