1. Helping you understand what's ahead for your weekly workers compensation payments reassessment


    Fact sheets, FAQs and information about the weekly benefit reassessment process and the possible outcomes...

  2. Permanent impairment claims


    How to make a permanent impairment claim application. Information for exempt workers and those claiming for pain and suffering...

  3. Commutation payments


    Under circumstances, you can get workers insurance payments in a 'commutation' - one lump sum to cover your agreed medical, hospital and rehab payments...

  4. Hearing impairment payments


    How to make a hearing impairment claim or permanent impairment claim under workers insurance...

  5. Work break or journey payments


    How to make a work break or journey claim under workers insurance...

  6. Work injury damages


    If your injury was a result of negligence, you may be able to sue your employer for damages...

  7. Declaring wages


    Guidelines on what to declare to help calculate your premiums, including annual wages...

  8. Claims management decision framework


    The claims management decisions framework outlines decision responsibilities and accountabilities for appointed claims service providers and icare as the nominal insurer...

  9. Cover for volunteers under workers compensation


    If you’re a volunteer with a state government agency that we cover, you may be entitled to the same workers compensation as a paid worker...

  10. Workers insurance claims


    We work with injured workers and their employers to ensure that every injured worker receives the right treatment and support at the right time...