Welcome to the manufacturing industry hub

This hub is full of helpful advice, articles and resources that support your industry and make it easier for you to manage your workers compensation.

Articles and resources

We know that every industry is different and so are your workers insurance needs.

The articles and resources you'll find here are based off the latest industry trends and data, along with expert insights in topics such as injury prevention, premiums and claims to ensure that you get the best support whenever you need it.

Female in hi vis at printer

Preventing hazardous manual task injuries in the manufacturing industry

The manufacturing industry relies on workers being able to perform manual tasks to get the job done whether it’s handling raw materials, working on a conveyor line or operating machinery.

Most jobs in the manufacturing industry involve manual tasks, from lifting, pushing or pulling objects, to using the computer.

Some manual tasks are hazardous and may cause musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Back injuries are one type of MSD, however MSDs include a range of injuries such as sprains and strains of muscles and soft tissue, as well as damage to joints, bones and nerves. 

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Manufacturing insurance insights

What is the most common injury in manufacturing? How does your business compare to others when it comes to claims? Find out.

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